Where's my other sock?
An age-old issue. A never-ending paradox. An eternally-frustrating dilemma. Where’s the other sock? Has it been ‘eaten’ by the washing machine? Did you leave it in the gym? Is it under your bed? WHERE. IS. IT. There’s something about socks. And you can’t put your finger on it. The truth is, it’s quasi-impossible to keep a pair intact without losing one. So, French retailer Monoprix have decided to take action in the only way they know how. A phenomenally-savvy new product launch. If you aren’t a ‘sock-misplacer’ and, in fact, you are ultra-organised and have never experienced this issue, then this probably isn’t for you. But, if you are normal, check out this life-saving campaign from French supermarket Monoprix. Humanity has been restored.