Daft Science

There is a Canadian producer who goes by the name of Coins and he has produced a quite amazing album.

Bacon butties & tomato ketchup.
Chocolate Digestives & Tea.
Baked beans & grated cheese.
Salt & Pepper.
Prince Harry & Meghan Markle.
Beer & Pork Scratchings.
Hats & Gloves.
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes.
Tortilla Chips & Guacamole.
Netflix & Chill.

What do all of these have in common? They are all (arguably) perfect pairings in their own unique ways. Well, Coins thought that there was one perfect pairing that hadn’t been explored yet.

Daft Punk & The Beastie Boys.

He spent two years putting together a mashup album using Daft Punk samples and Beastie Boys lyrics and my word is it beautiful. The album is called Daft Science and Check it Out is a personal favourite. They’re all great and you can listen to them here for free.

Thank you Coins for an additional excellent duo. This is an inspired project and one that has really hit the nail on the head. 


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