The Blank Newspaper

A profound, simple and thought-provoking piece of artwork for you today, created by The Sideline Collective.

It’s undeniable that the constant barrage and overload of information is overwhelming. There is simply too much news. Facebook feeds are flooded, Instagram is inundated, and our phones never stop pestering our brains with updates from every corner of the world. Sometimes, and I know I speak for pretty much everyone, it would be nice just to switch off, get off the grid.  

And, that’s exactly what The Sideline Collective have done, artistically.

They have printed a variety of iconic newspapers from around the world (Le Monde, El PaĂ­s, The New York Times etc.), but left them totally blank. Not a single word has been published bar the titles of the tabloids themselves. Nothing. A full newspaper, with nothing in it. And? There’s a feeling of serenity about it. It’s surreal yet relaxing looking at the vast, white gaps on pages that are habitually clustered with words. The newspapers give a sense of of tranquillity and calm to your day and would be an excellent, quirky addition to a coffee table.

Check out photos of the project below. Uncomplicated, unpretentious but surprisingly meaningful. 


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