Short Film: Escape

An exquisite piece of animation for you today, brought to you from the world of Dolby Digital (that all-too-familiar logo that crops up at the beginning of countless films). The creatives at Dolby have released Escape: a short film set in a barren, apocalyptic future that shows off the mind-blowing technology Dolby have at their disposal.

Plot-wise, the young, female protagonist is on a mission to rejuvenate the planet by re-growing vegetation and flora using her futuristic device. However, not all goes to plan and she is forced to fight off monsters in Herculean style and demonstrate audacious bravery to try and fulfil her quest. The principal joy here, however, is the visual aesthetic; it is quite simply breathtaking. The colours, the movement, the minute detail (look out for the subtly magnificent freckles on the girl’s face), the beautifully-created and terrifying monster: all of it comes together to create a visually remarkable short, four-minute film. What’s more, the original soundtrack gives an underlying emotion and sentimental feel to the whole thing.

It’s well worth a watch, check it out here.


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