The Apple Underdogs
A really nice piece of fast-paced content from Apple has
been shared by the tech giant, telling the story of a small group of
It’s a quirky, charmingly-structured narrative that
follows a group of friends determined to sell in their pioneering new idea: The
Rounded Pizza Box.
How do they get that foot in the door with the big boss? How
do they sell in their unorthodox idea? How do they prepare for the biggest meeting of their lives?
Well, I’ll let you wait and see. (Oh, and unsurprisingly it
features a whole host of Apple's products. But it's not too garish so don't fret.)
However, what really pulls this piece of content apart is that
this rounded innovation has actually been made by Apple in real life. The Rounded Pizza Box is even
used by its employees at their internal cafes.
Isn’t it just great when adverts transcend into reality?
Check it out below.
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